This morning I typed an entire post about signing up for
Twitter yesterday then I noticed I’d spelled the title wrong and tried to fix
the typo. Somehow, I deleted the entire thing! Crap! I’m going to try to
recreate what I originally wrote, but now I’m perturbed by technology rather
than excited about it. My commentary maybe tainted.
I like technology. It’s true! I’m always on the lookout for
ways it can make my life easier/better. I love that I can keep a family
journal, perform scholarly research, stay connected with friends and family,
and do a million other things from the comfort of my living room couch. Plus, I’m
a nerd and technology satisfies my information cravings like cake to a sweet
tooth, but so often technology straddles the line between helpful and wasteful.
Take Pinterest (no, seriously, take it!). I LOVE the site
and the concept – a place to find/post/organize cool ideas for crafts, clothes,
and food – but Pinterest is dangerous for me. The amount of self-discipline
required to tear myself away from that place is monumental! I have a hard
enough time concentrating on all that requires my attention already (can you
acquire ADD?) that I don’t really need another distraction.
This is Kallie on the aforementioned couch. It really is a cozy spot! |
Enter Twitter. I know it’s not exactly a “new” thing, but I’ve
purposefully avoided it over the past few years. That said, no one was as surprised
as I was when I opened a Twitter account yesterday! Let me explain. This
semester I’m taking a class called Computers and Writing which focuses on
considering the pedagogical viability of using different technologies in the
writing classroom. I’ve seen a few texts over the past year or so that explore
using Twitter in the classroom and they seem really interesting. So interesting,
that I’ve decided to focus my research for the class on how Twitter is/can be
used in the college composition classroom. Effective research includes
experience, right? So now you can follow me @VaughnJennie on Twitter. Fair
warning: don’t expect frequent or copious tweets! If it’s anything like my
Facebook habits, I’ll be more of a lurker than updater. Also, I’m still
figuring out how the blasted thing works, Twitter not Facebook, that is.
Another thing about technology…it can be overwhelming!
Everything changes so quickly. In my previous version of this post I noted that
my sweetie just gave me a new iPhone4s yesterday, too. I’m excited about using
it, but Siri is a little disconcerting. First, her voice. Y’all, she sounds
like what I imagine the robots who will take over the Earth sound like. Second,
I hate that she disconnects before I can say, “Thank you”! Obviously, she was
not created by a Southerner. I still say thank you, but it feels like our
conversation is incomplete.
Well, I’ve told you about my most recent technological
overload, but I’m still left with one burning question…If I “tweet” on Twitter
am I a “twit”?
Much Love, --J
PS – Since I inadvertently deleted the first version of this
post (durn it), I’ve learned one important lesson. I will type my posts in Word
then copy/paste them into my blog. Y’all probably all do that already, but like
the title suggests, I’m a little slow.