Wednesday, April 15, 2009

As promised

On Saturday night we told the kids that we should try to catch the Easter Bunny when he came that night. They thought this was a great idea so we set out a "trap." This was actually a cage with a string tied to the door with a trail of lettuce and carrots leading to it.

Needless to say, we didn't catch the Easter Bunny. But, we did "catch his little brother." This is Licorice. Isn't he cute? The Easter Bunny left a note saying that his little brother got caught in our trap but then decided that he liked our house and wanted to stay. He asked the kids to take good care of his little bro. Well, he's being cherished. He lives in Holdyn's room and gets frequent out-of-cage time.

Unluckily, I discovered that bunnies make my nose sneezy and my eyes watery! Oops, guess we should have checked on that before "setting the trap." Oh well, its nothing a Zyrtec can't fix until I adjust to his fluffiness.

As for my new niece, her name is Isla (prn. I-la). She was born early on Easter morning and is too cute. I'm still working on getting her pics up. I've got to figure out how to copy them from her parents' blog.


Unknown said...

Cute bunny! Wasn't Isla born early Saturday morning?

Jennie said...

Oh, I don't know. I thought Mom said at 2:30am Sunday.

Emily said...

2:30am Saturday morning the 11th. I only remember cause i was driving over there to watch the boys...I was tired but her boys believe in sleeping so they weren't up til 8:30am. It was nice!

Jennie said...

Yeah, that must be from the Archibald side of the fam b/c yours and mine don't sleep in at all, huh?

Shauna said...

Precious! Love the pictures and your blog :)

Sara said...

Cute bunny. Bliss says he needs to come visit now. Can you handle another visit from Bliss!? He's too intense for his own good!