The kids and I came home from school this afternoon to see that a certain Daddy had perpetrated a BIG surprise for us all...

They've been begging (ok, I've been begging) for a trampoline for about 2 years now.

Daddy's not been very keen on the idea (visions of broken legs, arms, necks). But, he came home from work early today and put this up to surprise us!

As you can see we are really enjoying a lot of "tramp time" uh, ok, never mind that sounded terrible. We are all enjoying a lot of trampolining this afternoon.
Yea sweet Daddies, sunny warm afternoons, and trampolines!!!
You all look like you're having a blast!!!
That's the best thing to learn standing back tucks on for high school cheerleading for the little ones...just so ya know.
Half the fun is being thrown off one of those things you know! The net just doesn't allow for ill-intended double bounces. That's what we needed...less bounces off the side of the mountain.
How fun! I'm with your hubby though, I'm scared of them. But you do look like you are having lots of fun.
Looks like you are having fun with warm weather! We just put ours up too and now the girls wanna go out in 30 degree weather to jump away!
I can't believe how big they are all getting!! Have some fun "tramp time" there with the kids!
I agree with Sara. One of my favorite memories was Dad thinking he was going to show us how it was done and launched himself down the hill. And the first thing he said when he stopped rolling was..."Don't tell your mother!". I'm laughing now just thinking about it! Oh, the good ole days!
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