This is K. He has some past wrangling experience. Cows, not goats. See, he even has his own lasso. He is after Peter who has once again broken the fence. Boo, Peter!
After much chasing - that involved the entire family running through the yard (3 acres), screaming and cursing Peter's existence - Peter was cornered and caught. Of course, our friend from church pulled into the yard just as this began and was treated to the entire show. You're welcome Cecelia, most circuses charge for their clown show!
K and his trusty assistant little k dragged a now successfully wrangled Peter to the barn where he will be separated from his wives and progeny until I can decide what to do with him.

I decided. After unsuccessful attempts to sell or give him away, Peter now exists on another plane of existence. That plane is called my deep freezer. Gyro, anyone?

After much chasing - that involved the entire family running through the yard (3 acres), screaming and cursing Peter's existence - Peter was cornered and caught. Of course, our friend from church pulled into the yard just as this began and was treated to the entire show. You're welcome Cecelia, most circuses charge for their clown show!

I decided. After unsuccessful attempts to sell or give him away, Peter now exists on another plane of existence. That plane is called my deep freezer. Gyro, anyone?