As I mentioned in the last post, Saturday was also the school's Fall Fest. Last year, I was PTO Mom and worked the entire festival while K and the kids toured the booths and played. I missed it and was excited to be free of PTO responsibilities so that I could participate this year. It was a good time. This year K and I brought along Dr. Horrible and his two-headed monster, just look!

Although we took only the children with us to the Fall Fest we returned home with a new member of the family, Goldy the fish.

Holdyn won Goldy at the bean bag toss. So far, he/she/it has lived since Saturday. We have been sure to explain to Holdyn that gold fish don't necessarily live long lives. On Sunday morning Holdyn woke up and ran to the kitchen where Goldy was living in a Mason Jar until I could dig up a fish bowl. He peered into the jar and let out a sigh of relief. He came over to K and me and said, "I knew Goldy would still be alive. I said two prayers last night to Heavenly Father that she wouldn't die." Such sweet, pure faith.
Looks like you guys had fun. Fall Festivals are always fun...cake walk, coke toss, etc.
Kids costumes were very creative and cute.
Mom told me about the costumes! I was so waiting to see them! What awesome ideas from awesome kids. I miss them so! Isaak and Brett say hello to you all and they are dying to see everyone. Good luck to Goldy, Holdyn. And to the two headed're the cutest one I've ever seen!
Okay, I LOVE the two-headed monster. I might have to borrow that idea!
The Two Headed monster is SO great. I could just EAT them up.
I will pray as well about the fishy. That was such a really sweet and wonderful post.
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