This weekend was Homecoming at my and K's alma mater Jacksonville State University. Most of you know that's also the Ford family hometown. K and I also lived there for the first few years of our marriage until just before the girls were born. So, it really was coming home for us. We went to the parade and to the bookstore and then to the place that NO ONE in the family can resist whenever we're in town....

That's right, eat your hearts out! J/K we really missed everyone and wished the whole family could have been with us. (Maybe at Christmas?) Anyway, here's what we ate....

However, after our feeding frenzy (all this was gone in about 5 minutes) we were heartbroken to find that they were OUT OF PEANUT BUTTER!!!!! No PB milkshakes for us :( boo!
After eating we went outside and enjoyed the parade. It's been at least two or three years since we've been to the parade and we had a lot of fun.

Evie shakin' her stuff as the bands march by.

Pretty colors...

Marching Ballerinas....

And none other than the JSU Marching Southerners, Blow Southerners!!!

But these guys are my #1 favorite of the entire parade

They were walking, shaking shakers and yelling "Go Gamecocks!" They even tried to get K to join them!

What good sports! And, BTW that's the most backhair I've seen in awhile. We had so much fun! Later we went to the school fall festival more on that next time. Love ya!