1. Fingerpainting begins as fun and only mildly messy and kind of cute.
2. The mess escalates but I remain calm. They are outside after all.

3. I thoughtfully provide a bucket to use for washing hands. Then I go inside to sort laundry.

4. What the... This is what happens when I go inside for 15 minutes!!!!

5. Here's what I have to clean up. PS clean up takes longer than set up and fingerpainting combined!
And the best part? Did my sweeties produce any refrigerator art through their "process?" Heck, no! All I got was a huge mess to clean up, three kids that had to be hosed off in the yard before they could go in the house, a load of paint smeared laundry, and a laugh to keep from crying. 7 days until school starts!
Amen! Sister! I hear you!
Note to self: No fingerpaints.
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