Sorry to be out of touch for awhile. K and I are in Seattle, WA for the week. It's our first trip sans kids EVER and we are having a great time. However, we do miss the monkeys terribly! This trip is part vacay, part work as K is here for the National Convention for Sleep Medicine Professionals and I was lucky enough to tag along.
Sidenote: Am I the only one to see the irony of a sleep conference in Seattle (Sleepless in Seattle)? Corny, I know, but I've been laughing about it for a week! Obviously, it doesn't take much to amuse me, eh?
Anyway, we've been here since Friday and love the city! It's just our pace, not to fast and we love the environmental friendliness and outdoorsy lifestyle here. We've spent our time exploring the downtown so far and even got to hook-up with some of K's family as it just so happens it was his uncle Rex's 75th birthday party this weekend and the cousins invited us to the party. We were both able to meet family members for the first time and that was great! A big thanks to the Candland clan for letting some "Country Cousins" join in the celebration for Uncle Rex! Since it was here big brother's party K's mom was up from Utah and we were able to spend some time with her as well.
Alright, enough blogging, I'm on vacation. I'll post some pics later! Love to all, J