If you've noticed my bookshelf there to the right you've noticed that I'm reading Twilight. I thought I was the last person on Earth to read this book but apparently my sister, Lacy, is even farther behind the times than me. Actually, I've known about this book for around a year now but haven't had the time to read it. First, my library didn't have it over the summer when I did the bulk of my reading. Then, K bought it for me but I was knee-deep in reading and projects for school so I had no time to read -- anything. Well, school's out for now and I've got some time so I started reading Thursday...
CAUTION: Here comes the don't freak out part!!!
I, uh, well, see the thing is, um
I don't really like it.
There, I said it.
Now, before you start cursing the screen and heatedly beating out a comment on your keyboard, just slow ya roll. I didn't say I hated it (although, I did hate Ms. Meyer's other novel the Host). I just said I don't really like it. Maybe my expectations were really high after all the hoopla or something but I'm slightly disappointed. I thought that I'd be sucked into this book by the way everyone drools and palpatates over it. Don't blame yourself, EVERYONE told me it was great, fabulous, terrific. Anyway, I'm just over half-way through so maybe by the time I finish I'll change my mind.
Oh well, I guess I can relate to Bella, afterall, because I know she would never like a book just because everyone said she should! Am I right Twilight fanboys and fangirls? You know I am, ;)